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BBQ Chicken

BBQ Chicken

The whole family can love this delicious direction for BBQ chicken - you will be asked for it all year spherical, whether it's BBQ weather or not.. ....


Vz cup brown sugar
1 cup soy sauce
1 cup water
1 tsp onion powder
1 tbs fresh grated ginger
1 tsp fresh very finely chopped chilli
1 tbs lemon juice
2 lb (lkg) chicken pieces

How To
1 . Put all of the ingredients except for the chicken into a saucepan and bring to the boil.
2. Reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes.
3. Remove from the heat, pour into a large bowl, and allow to cool completely
4. Put the chicken pieces into the cooled marinade, cover and refrigerate overnight preferably or at least for a few hours.
5. Cook on the BBQ over a medium to high heat, turning often and basting frequently with the marinade until the chicken is cooked through completely

Serves: 4

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